Houston Money Week

Annual Essay Contest

HMW's Essay Contest

Houston Money Week’s annual essay contest for students and adult education learners is a commendable initiative that underscores the organization’s commitment to promoting financial literacy across diverse age groups. By specifically targeting students and adult learners, this contest serves as a powerful tool to instill essential financial knowledge, skills, and attitudes early on and throughout one’s life. The essay contest creates a platform for students to engage with financial concepts in a meaningful way. Encouraging young minds to explore topics like budgeting, saving, investing, and financial planning fosters a sense of responsibility and empowerment. This initiative recognizes that early exposure to financial literacy is key to equipping the next generation with the tools they need to make informed and responsible financial decisions. You can enter the essay contest by clicking here. We are accepting ALL essays. THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2025. Due to language limitations, we are only currently accepting essays in English. 

April 2025 Essay Prompt

How can financial technologies (FinTech) like online banking, budgeting tools, and investment apps help you with money management? First, explain why it’s important to understand money basics in today’s world, and how it can help people make better choices and stay financially stable.
This essay is an opportunity to share your knowledge, beliefs, and personal experiences, as well as a chance to expand and display your financial literacy. Make sure to fully answer the prompt, be creative, and include and site any researched facts and statistics.
Did you know according to Plaid, in 2021, fintech reached mass adoption in the U.S., with the percentage of consumers using technology to manage their finances jumping from 58% to 88%.

2024 Essay Contest Winners

Here are the winners of the 2024 Houston Money Week Essay Contest.
  • Middle School

    1st: Faith Auset Hill - $250
    2nd: Jhaden Jackson - ChromeBook

  • High School

    1st: Monique Thompson - $500
    2nd: Charles Crawford - ChromeBook

  • College

    1st: Kourey Johnson - $1000
    2nd: Chinaemenma Amaobi-Joseph - ChromeBook

  • Adult

    1st: Alexxis Mitchell - $1000
    2nd: Betty Burleigh - ChromeBook

2023 Essay Contest Winners

2023 Essay Contest Winner Information
Adult: 1st Place|$1,500|Alexander Govea|Main Street Ministries • 2nd Place|Chromebook|Robert Thomas|Prairie View A&M
High School: 1st Place(Tie)|$1,000|MacKenzie Romain|William B Travis High School • 1st Place(Tie)|$1,000|Jasmine Gradney|Grand Oaks High School • 2nd Place|Chromebook|Chasity Thomas|Langham High School
Middle School: 1st Place|$500|Ava Collins|Young Women College Preparatory Academy

Contest Rules

Participants must be:
• A student in grades 6-12, adult education learners or undergraduate college students, who live in the greater Houston area.
• Have knowledge of money management skills (decision-making related to spending and saving, investing, use of credit, etc.) appropriate for their age and grade level.
• Demonstrate how they practice good money management skills in their daily lives.

To Enter:
• Minor students must complete the entire application including teacher and parent information.
• Students must write an essay (a minimum of 500 words but no more than 750 words) on the assigned topic.
• The essay must be the work of the student submitting the essay.

• 1st and 2nd place prize winners will be announced for each of the following categories by May 10, 2025.

• Colleges and Universities | Adult Education and Literacy Programs | High Schools | Middle Schools | 65+

(Actively enrolled and participating students in the Greater Houston Area)

You can enter the essay contest by clicking here. We are accepting ALL essays. Due to language limitations, we are only currently accepting essays in English. 

Contest Judging

All essays become the property of Houston Money Week and may be used by Houston Money Week to promote financial education. All essays must meet the contest entry guidelines described above. Decisions of the judges are final in all matters relating to this contest. Contest judging determinations are at the sole and absolute discretion of the judges, and such decisions and determinations are not subject to further review or appeal by contestants. Because of the unique nature and scope of the contest, Houston Money Week cannot accurately predict the number of contestants who will participate in the Contest.

Also, the Houston Money Week Team cannot individually confirm receipt of all essays. Winners will be individually notified and contacted via email, mail or phone. All winners will be posted on the official Houston Money Week website and social media pages. Winners will be announced at the Houston Money Week Partner Kick-Off Reception. Information regarding scores awarded by judges will not be available. 

Contest Judging

All essays become the property of Houston Money Week and may be used by Houston Money Week to promote financial education. All essays must meet the contest entry guidelines described above. Decisions of the judges are final in all matters relating to this contest. Contest judging determinations are at the sole and absolute discretion of the judges, and such decisions and determinations are not subject to further review or appeal by contestants. Because of the unique nature and scope of the contest, Houston Money Week cannot accurately predict the number of contestants who will participate in the Contest.

Also, the Houston Money Week Team cannot individually confirm receipt of all essays. Winners will be individually notified and contacted via email, mail or phone. All winners will be posted on the official Houston Money Week website and social media pages. Winners will be announced at the Houston Money Week Partner Kick-Off Reception. Information regarding scores awarded by judges will not be available.